Monday, March 21, 2011

Jewel B. Hurtin LOVES her Atom Lowboys!

"My Atom Lowboys came in on Thursday and I had them put on for a public skating session. They are 'awesome!" As soon as I hit the floor I noticed a tremendous difference! Of course, I also noticed how "truly" dirty the rink floor is. LOL!

They "totally ROCK!" It took me a few minutes to get used to them, but I was doing some cutting and it was phenomenal!! I have soo much more agility now and I know my speed increased too! I did a bit of weaving through people and it was amazing how much smoother it was.
I had been having a hard time turning around backwards and then back around to the front again quickly, but as soon as I tried that, it was like "wow!" I didn't have to think about it, it just came so naturally and without hesitation. I know my coach is going to be like "she must have been practicing." I also love the "slims" and I didn't feel as though I was tripping over my wheels. Soo much smoother, and I didn't slide at all while working on cornering. I LOVE them!! I even got a compliment that they looked nice.

I used them for practice yesterday and again, it was phenomenal!! My starts and stops were effortless. We didn’t do any track timing during practice yesterday, but I am sure we will this week and it’ll be interesting to see how much my speed increases b/c of these wheels. Thanks again, I just love them and when I am in the market for new wheels again, I will definitely purchase another Atom slim wheel.

Jewel B. Hurtin