What is your biggest accomplishment?
Oooo..a hard one to start! Just when I think I've accomplished something big with my team, the next big challenge comes along to conquer. So, I don't think I'll ever have a definitive answer for this. When I began derby, it was sticking with derby for that first year of growing pains of starting a league. In 2007, it was turning around our shut out at Dust Devil and making it to the Eastern Region championship game (back when there were only two regions). In 2008 it was being the first team of our intraleague teams to go undefeated and win our local Ivy King Cup. Later in 2008 it was making it to the championship game of 2008 Nationals in Portland. We lost and I went home with a broken collarbone, but we finished second in the country. Most recently, it was making the first American World Cup team. So maybe that's more "high points," but nailing down one moment is too difficult. :)
What is your biggest challenge?
Constantly re-adapting my game to the growth of the sport. Over seven years, I've seen the game evolve so much. Once you feel like you've nailed one aspect another comes along and you have to step up your game to understand new trends, new strategies, and when old ones won't work any longer.
Do you have a motto you go by? .
Never die easy!
Have you had any injuries?
If so how long were you out for?
Broken nose, broken clavicle, broken ankle
What is your wheel of choice? Why do you like it so much?
93A Juke Alloys. I never really skated with aluminum hubs until recently, but noticed they were so responsive to quick movements. I'm a convert to the skinnier wheels.
Photographer and digital artist/retoucher
What is it about roller derby that you love the most?
Do you partake in any other sports?

Do you do any outside training besides roller derby practice?
Yes, offskates boot camps at Kru Fitness, a Chicago gym owned by a former professional female soccer player who puts together great workouts for female athletes. Also, running, speed skating and bikram yoga.
Who is you biggest inspiration?
My parents – they both have incredible work ethics and inner strength

Have you always been an athlete or is roller derby your first sport?
I grew up riding horses and also did some ballet/tap when I was really young. In high school and college I ran a lot , rollerbladed, lifted and did yoga, but didn't do many team sports outside of gym class. I did try to play football with my brother when he'd let me.
After party drink of choice?
Amy and Brian's Coconut Water
Do you have a ritual that you do before a game?
I watch videos of Walter Payton – growing up in Chicago in the 80s, he's always been one of my biggest athletic inspirations
Do you have a song that pumps you up before a game?
The very first year that I started derby, it was Aces High by Iron Maiden. It has changed from
year to year, but "I'm Free" by Kenny Loggins also ranks up there and almost any Queen song.
What is your favorite Derby position?
For most of my derby career, I have pivoted and jammed, so I love the random occasions when I find myself as a back blocker – it's a treat.
Who is your favorite roller derby player of all time?
Ugh, there's no way to narrow it down to one! There are so many flat track skaters that I respect for different qualities. I remember seeing the Tamaccio sisters leg whip at the very first Dust Devil in '06 and it blew my mind. I think Racer McChaser was one of the first speed skaters I saw jam and she made it look graceful and effortless. I've enjoyed watching her excel over the years. Megan Formor was my teammate and co-captain for many years and I'm grateful I never had to play against her because I watched her level people. I also loved watching Megan and Malice with Chains play together for Windy City. Of course there are skaters like Tannibal, Atomatrix and Bonnie Thunders who just amaze me with their technical prowess and athletic abilities within this sport. I think they set the bar higher for everyone who plays this game and that's been such a boost for the sport's national progress. Joy Collision is pure excitement to watch with her speed and accuracy. I always know she's going to do something that makes me ooo or ahh. I feel the same about Steel City's Snot Rocket Science who is acrobatic in her execution. Hoosier Mama on Windy City is a jammer's best friend and an opposing jammer's worst nightmare. Athena DeCrime is my derby wife and has been along side me in the WCR since day one. I would not have survived the emotional times that accompany this sport without her and her motivation. There is a ton of women with whom I've shared a track over the years that have made me stop and think, "Dang, I have got to learn how to do that!"
Varla Vendetta